Hi, my name’s Ethan and I am getting some friends together to do a readathon.
If you do not know what a readathon is then I will explain that below…


A readathon is where my friends and I have to read as many books as we can and people can sponsor us.
You can donate by making a straight money donation, or you can sponsor money per book that we read.
That part is up to you!
Last year, I did a readathon in April, and I managed to raise over $1700, so now I am going to do it again, but this year I have a whole bunch of friends who are going to help out so that we can raise lots of money together.
On world refugee day last year, I went to the ASRC headquarters in Footscray and this year we are launching our new readathon on World Refugee Day.
I found out how there are a lot of famous people involved with ASRC as well.
ASRC stands for Asylum Seekers Recourse Centre, and it is a place for people who are migrating and don’t have any money or food – they can go to ASRC, and get looked after, with food, activities and more!
At ASRC, they have a free supermarket where the Asylum Seekers get to go and get the food they need.
So, now you know where the money that we are fundraising is going.

(Hover over a photo to see which books they have read!)

Books Read: Max and the MIdknights, Help around the house! Billionaire Boy, HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Boot it! Second childhood, Fox Swift, After.

Books Read: DOAWK – third wheel, DOAWK – cabin fever, Big Nate Up and Down, Neymar Rules, Salah Rules, Pogba Rules

Books Read: Once, Tiny Timmy – the big break, playing up, training camp.

Noa, Lior and Tal
Books Read: Wreck, Listen Layla, The Callback Moonlight Dreamers, Tom Gates x 3, Claudia and the phantom phone calls, Friday Barnes – the plot thickens. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

Books Read: Weirdo 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7, The watch in the sea, Lights in the mine

Tal and Ben
Books Read: Speckie Magee and a legend in the making

Lila and Hayden
Books Read: Extra Time

Micah, Chloe and Finley
Books Read: Paws, Mr Stink, Star Wars Aftermath, LEGO – everything you need to know, Star Wars Return of the Jedi (x3), The Enchanted Wood, Faraway Tree, Ivy & Bean – get to work and doomed to dance, The fox and the ghost king, Matilda

Books Read: Once, Demon Dentist, Within these walls

The readathon will go until the 31st of July.
You need to fill in the form below, to donate.
If you want to donate, you will need to give us your phone number, how much you are donating (either in total or per book) and your name.
We will contact you when we are done to organise payment.
Please include your name, phone number and donation amount in your email.
- Anna, Andrew, Evie, Ruby and Pebbles
- Jennifer and Japie Dresden
- Bec and Leon Lopata
- Karp Family
- Diane and Bernie Weiss
- Zoe Curtis
- Caryn and Sam Granek
- Mary and George Werther
- Marty and Sim Winecier
- Jeremy and Yael Weiss
- Leann Meiers
- Kathryn Barton
- Ben and Johanna Werther
- The Rood Family
- Alana, Wade, Harrison and Scarlett
- Josh Gelfand
- Sandra David
- Rena and Alex Lopata
- Paul Fink
- Sam and Garry
- Maya and Leon
- Anna Game-Lopata
- Shelley, Rob and Vivi
- The Dart Family
- Alison Head
- Faber Family
- Sarah Dresden